“Θησαυρός” είναι η μνήμη, η συλλογικότητα, το πάθος, η δύναμη και η αξιοπρέπεια των γυναικών και αντρών κάθε ηλικίας, που με τους αγώνες τους εμπλουτίζουν αυτή τη στρογγυλή γή. “Θησαυρός” είναι η αντίσταση σε αυτό το παράλογο σύστημα, που υποβαθμίζει οικτρά τον πλανήτη και τις ζωές όσων τον κατοικούμε. Κομμάτι του “θησαυρού” συνεπώς, οι αγώνες των κατοίκων της Β. Χαλκιδικής. Η “Μεγάλη απεργία” των μεταλλωρύχων το 77 ενάντια στις απάνθρωπες συνθήκες εργασίας. Η δυναμική και νικηφόρα αντίσταση των κατοίκων της Ολυμπιάδας ενάντια στον παραλογισμό της μεταλλουργίας χρυσού και στην καταστροφή του τόπου τους. Η εναντίωση στα τωρινά σχέδια της εταιρία “Ελληνικός Χρυσός” στις Σκουριές.“Θησαυρός” είναι η μνήμη, η συλλογικότητα, το πάθος, η δύναμη και η αξιοπρέπεια των γυναικών και αντρών κάθε ηλικίας, που με τους αγώνες τους εμπλουτίζουν αυτή τη στρογγυλή γή. “Θησαυρός” είναι η αντίσταση σε αυτό το παράλογο σύστημα, που υποβαθμίζει οικτρά τον πλανήτη και τις ζωές όσων τον κατοικούμε. Κομμάτι του “θησαυρού” συνεπώς, οι αγώνες των κατοίκων της Β. Χαλκιδικής. Η “Μεγάλη απεργία” των μεταλλωρύχων το 77 ενάντια στις απάνθρωπες συνθήκες εργασίας. Η δυναμική και νικηφόρα αντίσταση των κατοίκων της Ολυμπιάδας ενάντια στον παραλογισμό της μ...all »
“Θησαυρός” είναι η μνήμη, η συλλογικότητα, το πάθος, η δύναμη και η αξιοπρέπεια των γυναικών και αντρών κάθε ηλικίας, που με τους αγώνες τους εμπλουτίζουν αυτή τη στρογγυλή γη. “Θησαυρός” είναι η αντίσταση σε αυτό το παράλογο σύστημα, που υποβαθμίζει οικτρά τον πλανήτη και τις ζωές όσων τον κατοικούμε. Κομμάτι του “θησαυρού” συνεπώς, οι αγώνες των κατοίκων της Β. Χαλκιδικής. Η “Μεγάλη απεργία” των μεταλλωρύχων το 77 ενάντια στις απάνθρωπες συνθήκες εργασίας. Η δυναμική και νικηφόρα αντίσταση των κατοίκων της Ολυμπιάδας ενάντια στον παραλογισμό της μεταλλουργίας χρυσού και στην καταστροφή του τόπου τους. Η εναντίωση στα τωρινά σχέδια της εταιρία “Ελληνικός Χρυσός” στις Σκουριές.
In suburban Buenos Aires, thirty unemployed auto-parts workers walk into their idle factory, roll out sleeping mats and refuse to leave. All they want is to re-start the silent machines. But this simple act - The Take - has the power to turn the globalization debate on its head. In the wake of Argentina's dramatic economic collapse in 2001, Latin America's most prosperous middle class finds itself in a ghost town of abandoned factories and mass unemployment. The Forja auto plant lies dormant until its former employees take action. They're part of a daring new movement of workers who are occupying bankrupt businesses and creating jobs in the ruins of the failed system. But Freddy, the president of the new worker's co-operative, and Lalo, the political powerhouse from the Movement of Recovered Companies, know that their success is far from secure. Like every workplace occupation, they have to run the gauntlet of courts, cops and politicians who can either give their project legal protection or violently evict them from the factory. The story of the workers' struggle is set against the dramatic backdrop of a crucial presidential election in Argentina, in which the architect of the economic collapse, Carlos Menem, is the front-runner. His cronies, the former owners, are circling: if he wins, they'll take back the companies that the movement has worked so hard to revive. Armed only with slingshots and an abiding faith in shop-floor democracy, the workers face off against the bosses, bankers and a whole system that sees their beloved factories as nothing more than scrap metal for sale. With The Take, director Avi Lewis, one of Canada's most outspoken journalists, and writer Naomi Klein, author of the international bestseller No Logo, champion a radical economic manifesto for the 21st century. But what shines through in the film is the simple drama of workers' lives and their struggle: the demand for dignity and the searing injustice of dignity denied.
Whether Michael Ruppert is a madman or a prophet, I do not know. What I do know is that all of his suppositions are based on the hardest and most chilling of facts. You will recall your teachings on Cassandra and the famous Cassandra Complex, whereby a person who bears valid warnings and terrible foresight is doomed to watch it happen. They are helpless to stop it because no one will listen to them. Meet Cassandra.
Collapse is an amazing documentary that works on several levels. We'll start with the first: Ruppert's analysis of the world around us is stunningly bleak. Our entire civilization is based on oil. This is fact. All transportation requires oil in some form. All manufacturing (and civilization as we know it) is based on energy, which is finite, and requires some oil in some form. Building the resources to harvest ANY energy source requires manufacturing and transportation, which requires oil. Cultivating food requires energy to produce and transportation to get to your grocery store or home. Even if we discover some new energy source - algae, for example, which is not addressed in the film - all the components needed to harvest or utilize that energy are oil-based. Even if we invent cars without tires (which require 8+ barrels of oil to make, PER TIRE), the plastics and metals and components in those vehicles all require oil as either a direct ingredient or as an indirect part of the manufacturing.
Now imagine a world without oil. See where this is going?
This film, and Ruppert, go much further than that. Oil dependency is just the appetizer. Then we get to Peak Oil (or the Hubbert Peak). Then an economy based on floated, imaginary, (fiat) money. And so on. Ruppert builds his case with hysterically grim anecdotes and considerable authenticity. It's difficult to disagree with him precisely because he doesn't allow 'theory' or partisan/ideological opinion to seep into the discussion. The facts are accurate. The conclusions... are up to you.
Let's talk about the film-making itself: Chris Smith's film is shot 'bunker-style' for effect. It works. There are hardly any miscues in the technical aspects, and the editing style is absolutely riveting and never boring. As pure entertainment, if we can call it that, this film will absolutely command your attention for 80 minutes. The film does not subscribe - one way or another - to Ruppert. It just shows him as he is and allows you to draw your own conclusions. Right or wrong, Ruppert's quest to seek this knowledge and tell it to the world has subtly destroyed him. Collapse works on an intensely personal level, too. This film burns itself into the mind. It's point blank brilliant.
Others have noted a major flaw in Ruppert's arguments, including the filmmaker himself: Ruppert does not allow for miracles or human ingenuity in his apocalyptic scenarios. Ruppert has already decided we've passed the point of no return and is now looking to "build the lifeboat on the Titanic". When confronted about this directly, Ruppert's non-answer more or less says that he won't trust his fellow humans to think a way out of this. Ruppert has so expertly identified the problems, but he has no answers. All his "hope" is directed at ways to survive what's to come. Again, right or wrong, this man absolutely believes what he's saying and is absolutely terrified. You should be, too.
What's the way out? Well, I personally choose to believe the first part of Ruppert's argument and disregard the second. We are in trouble. But I choose to have faith in my fellow man, that we can "fix the Titanic" before it's too late. In the meantime, you must see this film. See it, soak it in, let it shake you, and tell your friends. Draw your own conclusions. Ruppert's role is to sound the warning. Perhaps if enough people see this film, someone out there will figure out what to do.
Ένας άνθρωπος σαν όλους τους άλλους: εγωιστής και με πολλά ελαττώματα. Μέχρι τα 25 μου έζησα εντελώς ασυνείδητα. Σιγά σιγά όμως άρχισα να ανακαλύπτω ότι η ζωή έχει πολλά παραπάνω να μου προσφέρει. Πήρα την απόφαση ότι έπρεπε να αλλάξω. Δυστυχώς για εμένα ήταν απαραίτητο να αλλάξω και τόπο διαμονής. Έτσι πήρα των ομματιών μου και την έκανα από την Ελλάδα. Εδώ στον νέο τόπο με νέο όνομα και καινούργια ζωή άρχισα να ψάχνω ποιος θα ήταν ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να ζήσει κανείς ώστε να γίνει πραγματικός άνθρωπος...